

YITP International Workshop: Biological & Medical Science based on Physics:
Radiation and phyiscs, Physics on medical science, Modeling for biological system

● Date: Nov. 5 (Thu.) - 7 (Sat.), 2015
● Venue: Panasonic Hall at the Yukawa Memorial Building, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Access map is here, No. 11. (Japanese, only)
● Fees: 3,000 yen
● Max number of
120 persons
● Language: English
● Presentation style: Presentation of invited talkers and applied talkers and poster.
Details will be determined in September.
● Registration: Please click the following link for registration
registration form (English)
registration form (Japanese)
Theme Program Abstracts List of participants Pre-discussion News

Secretariat E-mail:manabe_y_at_see.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp

Organizers: Jun'ichi Kotoku (Teikyo University)
Akihiro Haga (Unversity of Tokyo Hospital)
Kanabu Nawa (University of Tokyo)
Masaaki Takashina (Osaka University)
Yuichiro Manabe (Osaka University)
Masako Bando (Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Research Center for Nuclear Physics)
Hiroshi Kunitomo (Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Takashi Nakano(Research Center for Nuclear Physics)
Koji Nakai (Research Center for Nuclear Physics)
Mamoru Fujiwara (Research Center for Nuclear Physics)
Takahiro Wada (Kansai University)
Hiroo Nakajima (Osaka University)
Yuchi Tsunoyama (Kyoto University)
Dusatsu Sakata (Tokyo University)
Shiro Tanaka (Kyoto University)
Hiroshi Yasuda (Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine)
Tsuyoshi Nakaya (Kyoto)
Host: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Co-host: Committee for Research Promotion in Specialized Areas of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science "Multidisciplinary research on biological effects of radiation",
Frontier Research and Development Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science "Radiation Effects and Crisis Communication"
Sponsor: The Tokyo Club


Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Website